Peach::Engine::ppGuiCommunicator::GuiCommunicationThread Class Reference

GuiCommunicationThread(Thread). More...

Inherits threading::Thread.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Constructor of Communication thread.
def run
 Runs thread.

Public Attributes

 Pointer to PpAction object.
 Pointer to Peach Engine.
 Communication port.
 Try to bind new Communication socket to Communication port.

Detailed Description


Gui Communication class.

It handles communication between graphical user interface and recording/fuzzing process. Communication runs parallely with recording/fuzzing process in a separate thread. Thread receives udp packets from all local interfaces on port specified on commandline using option --hotGuiPort.

Received messages are expected to be 32-bit integers encoded into hexaformat, so the length of the messages is expected to be 8 bytes. Messages are decoded and following values are recognized as instructions:

2: Store address from which the packet was received and periodicaly send number of current iteration to this address 3: Interupt recording/fuzzing process 4: Pause recording/fuzzing process 5: Unpause recording/fuzzing process

1 was reserved for instructing single agent to stop running application, but is not currently used.

The interation with recording/fuzzing process is handled mainly by changing values of specific shared variables. Method PpAction.guiCommunicator() complements the functionality on site of running/fuzzing process.

Member Function Documentation

def Peach::Engine::ppGuiCommunicator::GuiCommunicationThread::__init__ (   self,

Constructor of Communication thread.

It initializes thread, stores communication port and stores pointers to importat objects of recording/fuzzing process.

hotEngine Pointer to PpAction object
peachEngine Pointer to Peach Engine
hotGuiPort Number of communication port

def Peach::Engine::ppGuiCommunicator::GuiCommunicationThread::run (   self  ) 

Runs thread.

Member Data Documentation

Try to bind new Communication socket to Communication port.

Pointer to PpAction object.

Used for interaction with recording/fuzzing process.

Communication port.

Pointer to Peach Engine.

Used for communication with agents.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sat Sep 4 18:13:54 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8