Shark_libs::data2pcap Namespace Reference


def print_hexa_raw
 Prints hexadecimal string to a file.
def hexa_byteswapper
 Swaps bytes in the source hexadecimal string.
def get_hexa_unixtime
 Returns actual time in the unix timeformat recalculated to hexadecimal, without leading 0x.
def get_bytelength
 Computes length of the hexadecimal string(in bytes).
def hexa_padd8x
 Removes leading 0x and adds leading zeros to padd hex number to format XXXXXXXX.
def hexa_padd4x
 Removes leading 0x and adds leading zeros to padd hex number to format XXXX.
def checksum
 Computes a one's complement checksum for the IP packet header.
def create_pcap_global_hdr
 Creates a pcap global header in form of a packed python struct.
def create_pcap_pckt_hdr
 Creates a pcap packet header in form of a packed python struct.
def create_eth_hdr
 Creates an ethernet header in form of a packed python struct.
def pack_ip
 Transforms IP address from a string to the packed python struct.
def create_ip_hdr
 Creates an IP header in a form of a packed python struct.
def create_udp_hdr
 Creates a UDP header in a form of a packed python struct.
def create_tcp_hdr
 Creates a TCP header in a form of a packed python struct.
def init_pcap_file
 Writes a pcap global header to a file.
def convert_data_to_pcap
 Creates all necessary fake headers and wraps up the raw data with it.
def merge_headers_and_data
 Creates all necessary fake headers and wraps up the raw data with it.
def remove_global_header
 Removes the pcap global header from the fake packet.
def save_pcap_packet_to_pcap_file
 Saves the fake packet to a pcap file.
def update_tcp_control_length
 Updates the TCP sequence number.


int eth_hdr_size = 14
 size of ethernet header in bytes
int ip_hdr_size = 20
 size of IP header in bytes
int tcp_hdr_size = 20
 size of TCP header in bytes
int udp_hdr_size = 8
 size of UDP header in bytes
int pcap_glob_hdr_size = 24
 size of pcap global header in bytes
int pcap_pckt_hdr_size = 16
 size of pcap local header in bytes
tuple ip_pack_proto_udp = int('11',16)
 Reusable field used in a few different headers.
tuple ip_pack_proto_tcp = int('06',16)
 Reusable field used in a few different headers.

Function Documentation

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::checksum (   header  ) 

Computes a one's complement checksum for the IP packet header.

header Source IP packet header with zero checksum.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::convert_data_to_pcap (   data,

Creates all necessary fake headers and wraps up the raw data with it.

Resulting fake packet is written to a pcap file.

data Raw data which will be wrapped up into the fake packet.
pcap_file File handle of the opened file to which we write to.
mode Type of the fake packet. Now supported UDP/TCP only.
src_ip IP address that will be used as source IP in the fake packet.
src_port Number that will be used as a source port in the fake packet.
dst_ip IP address that will be used as dest IP in the fake packet.
dst_port Number that will be used as a dest port in the fake packet.
seq Number that will be used as a TCP sequence number in the fake packet.
ack Number that will be used as a TCP acknowledgement number in the fake packet.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_eth_hdr (  ) 

Creates an ethernet header in form of a packed python struct.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_ip_hdr (   raw_data,

Creates an IP header in a form of a packed python struct.

raw_data Raw data which will be wrapped up into the fake packet.
src_ip IP address that will be used as source IP in the fake packet.
dst_ip IP address that will be used as dest IP in the fake packet.
mode Type of the fake packet. Now supported UDP/TCP only.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_pcap_global_hdr (  ) 

Creates a pcap global header in form of a packed python struct.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_pcap_pckt_hdr (   raw_data,

Creates a pcap packet header in form of a packed python struct.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_tcp_hdr (   raw_data,

Creates a TCP header in a form of a packed python struct.

raw_data Raw data which will be wrapped up into the fake packet.
src_ip IP address that will be used as source IP in the fake packet.
sport Number that will be used as a source port in the fake packet.
dst_ip IP address that will be used as dest IP in the fake packet.
dport Number that will be used as a dest port in the fake packet.
seq Number that will be used as a TCP sequence number in the fake packet.
ack Number that will be used as a TCP acknowledgement number in the fake packet.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::create_udp_hdr (   raw_data,

Creates a UDP header in a form of a packed python struct.

raw_data Raw data which will be wrapped up into the fake packet.
src_ip IP address that will be used as source IP in the fake packet.
sport Number that will be used as a source port in the fake packet.
dst_ip IP address that will be used as dest IP in the fake packet.
dport Number that will be used as a dest port in the fake packet.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::get_bytelength (   in_str  ) 

Computes length of the hexadecimal string(in bytes).

in_str Source string.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::get_hexa_unixtime (  ) 

Returns actual time in the unix timeformat recalculated to hexadecimal, without leading 0x.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::hexa_byteswapper (   in_str  ) 

Swaps bytes in the source hexadecimal string.

in_str Source hexadecimal string.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::hexa_padd4x (   original  ) 

Removes leading 0x and adds leading zeros to padd hex number to format XXXX.

original Source number in hex format.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::hexa_padd8x (   original  ) 

Removes leading 0x and adds leading zeros to padd hex number to format XXXXXXXX.

original Source number in hex format.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::init_pcap_file (   filehandle  ) 

Writes a pcap global header to a file.

filehandle File handle of the opened file to which we write to.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::merge_headers_and_data (   raw_data,
  seq = 1000,
  ack = 100 

Creates all necessary fake headers and wraps up the raw data with it.

raw_data Raw data which will be wrapped up into the fake packet.
protocol Type of the fake packet. Now supported UDP/TCP only.
src_ip IP address that will be used as source IP in the fake packet.
src_port Number that will be used as a source port in the fake packet.
dst_ip IP address that will be used as dest IP in the fake packet.
dst_port Number that will be used as a dest port in the fake packet.
seq Number that will be used as a TCP sequence number in the fake packet.
ack Number that will be used as a TCP acknowledgement number in the fake packet.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::pack_ip (   ip_address  ) 

Transforms IP address from a string to the packed python struct.

ip_address Source IP addres in a string format.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::print_hexa_raw (   to_print,

Prints hexadecimal string to a file.

to_print String that will be written to a file.
mfile File handle of the opened file to which we write to.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::remove_global_header (   data  ) 

Removes the pcap global header from the fake packet.

data Wrapped data which will be stripped.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::save_pcap_packet_to_pcap_file (   data,

Saves the fake packet to a pcap file.

data Wrapped data which will be written to a file.
pcap_file File handle of the opened file to which we write to.

def Shark_libs::data2pcap::update_tcp_control_length (   mlen,

Updates the TCP sequence number.

mlen Length of the new data e.g. number we add to seq.
old_tcp_ctrl Previous sequence number that will be updated.

Variable Documentation

size of ethernet header in bytes

size of IP header in bytes

Reusable field used in a few different headers.

Reusable field used in a few different headers.

size of pcap global header in bytes

size of pcap local header in bytes

size of TCP header in bytes

size of UDP header in bytes

Generated on Sat Sep 4 18:19:36 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8