xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator Class Reference

recordingXmlManipulator(xmlElement) More...

Inheritance diagram for xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator:


List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def storeXML
 Stores content of Main Window widgets into XML file.
def loadXML
 Loads content of peach XML file into Main Window widgets.
def storeElements
 Stores content of Main Window widgets into our XML element tree.
def loadElements
 Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets.
def storeServerAgent
 Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with server agent into our XML element tree.
def storeClientAgent
 Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with client agent into our XML element tree.
def storePublishers
 Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with publisher into our XML element tree.
def loadServerAgent
 Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with server agent.
def loadClientAgent
 Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with client agent.
def loadPublishers
 Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with publisher.
def clearElements
 Clear all necessary Main window elements.

Detailed Description


Class used for storing/loading content of Main Widow to/from peach XML file, which is used for recording. This class reads and modifies content of first tab of Main Window. It's used to visualize and modify some parts of peach XML. It uses peachXmlWriter and peachXmlReader for writing and storing XML files.

This class represents link between Main Window content and our XML element tree.

Stepan Henek

Member Function Documentation

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::clearElements (   self  ) 

Clear all necessary Main window elements.

This function is used before loading new XML element tree into Main Window

self The object pointer.

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::loadClientAgent (   self,
  silent = False 

Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with client agent.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach".
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::loadElements (   self,
  silent = False 

Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::loadPublishers (   self,
  silent = False 

Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with publisher.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach".
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::loadServerAgent (   self,
  silent = False 

Loads content of our XML element tree into Main Window widgets associated with server agent.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach".
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::loadXML (   self,
  silent = False 

Loads content of peach XML file into Main Window widgets.

self The object pointer.
path Path to XML file.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::storeClientAgent (   self,
  silent = False 

Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with client agent into our XML element tree.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach"
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::storeElements (   self,
  silent = False 

Stores content of Main Window widgets into our XML element tree.

self The object pointer.
loggerPath Path where to store crashes.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::storePublishers (   self,
  silent = False 

Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with publisher into our XML element tree.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach".
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::storeServerAgent (   self,
  silent = False 

Stores content of Main Window widgets associated with server agent into our XML element tree.

self The object pointer.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
root Tree node which tag is named "Peach".
True on success, False otherwise

def xmlmanipulators::recordingXmlManipulator::storeXML (   self,
  loggerPath = None,
  silent = False 

Stores content of Main Window widgets into XML file.

self The object pointer.
path Path to XML file.
loggerPath Path where to store crashes.
silent Indicates whether to display error QMessageBox on failure.
True on success, False otherwise

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Sep 5 12:41:36 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8