xmlmanipulators::HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem Class Reference

HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem(QTreeWidgetItem). More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Constructor of HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem.
def setElement
 Sets the element with which is this object associated.
def setMutable
 Set whether this widget and associated XML tree element are mutable.

Public Attributes

 XML tree element.

Detailed Description


Class describes modified QTreeWidgetItem, which is used by fuzzingXmlManipulator. It associates nodes of XML element tree created by peachXmlReader with QTreeWidgetItem, which is later inserted into QTreeWidget widget in the second tab of the Main Window.

This class can be associated only with xmlStructuredElement, which contains attribute "mutable".

Stepan Henek

Member Function Documentation

def xmlmanipulators::HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem::__init__ (   self,

Constructor of HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem.

self The object pointer.
element element with which this object will be associated.
stringList List of strings to be displayed in this widget.

def xmlmanipulators::HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem::setElement (   self,

Sets the element with which is this object associated.

self The object pointer.
element element with which this object will be associated.

def xmlmanipulators::HotFuzzTreeWidgetItem::setMutable (   self,

Set whether this widget and associated XML tree element are mutable.

self The object pointer.
isMutable When True this element is set to be mutable. When False element is set not to be mutable.

Member Data Documentation

XML tree element.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Sep 5 12:41:36 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8