testport::portWaiterThread Class Reference

portWaiterThread(QThread) More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Constructor of portWaiterThread.
def run
 Over written thread run function, which is triggered from parent object by calling start().

Public Attributes

 Wait for address list [(hostname (uint), port (uint))].
 timeout (in seconds)
 socked used for connecting

Detailed Description


A thread which is designed to check whether is possible to connect to the selected port on the selected host.

The thread simply waits in a loop and once per second it tries to connect to the selected port on the selected host. It emits two signals. The signal end indicates that the thread has ended and its parameter describes whether it timeouted or connected to the agents. The signal round is trigger at each second and indicates how long the thread was waiting.

It is used by the Main Window after hitting the Start All button. The window doesn't start the Peach process until the agents occupy the selected ports on the selected hosts.

See also:
window (Main Window dialog class)
Stepan Henek

Member Function Documentation

def testport::portWaiterThread::__init__ (   self,
  timeout = 15 

Constructor of portWaiterThread.

self The object pointer.
timeout How many seconds wait before exiting with unsuccessful return value
addressList Wait for address list [(hostname (uint), port (uint))]

def testport::portWaiterThread::run (   self  ) 

Over written thread run function, which is triggered from parent object by calling start().

self The object pointer.

Member Data Documentation

Wait for address list [(hostname (uint), port (uint))].

socked used for connecting

timeout (in seconds)

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Generated on Sun Sep 5 12:41:36 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8