mutators::HotFuzzMutator Class Reference

HotFuzzMutator(). More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 Constructor of HotFuzzMutator.
def setRootElement
 Sets the XML element tree node whereto add mutator.
def setElement
 Sets the XML element tree node of this mutator.
def updateElement
 Updates state of this mutator according to the associated checkbox.
def setChecked
 Set the new state of this mutator according to given param.
def getChecked
 Get the state of this mutator checkbox.

Public Attributes

 Checkbox associated with mutator.
 Tree element associated with mutator.
 Node of XML tree Element whereto put this mutator (typically tagged as Mutators).
 Mutator identifier.
 Main window of application.

Static Public Attributes

tuple mutatorElementName = QString("Mutator")
 XML tag name of mutator.
tuple numberEdge = QString("number.NumericalEdgeCaseMutator")
 Mutator number.NumericalEdgeCaseMutator identifier.
tuple numberVariance = QString("number.NumericalVarianceMutator")
 Mutator number.NumericalVarianceMutator identifier.
tuple numberRandom = QString("number.FiniteRandomNumbersMutator")
 Mutator number.FiniteRandomNumbersMutator identifier.
tuple blobBlob = QString("blob.BlobMutator")
 Mutator blob.BlobMutator identifier.
tuple blobFlipper = QString("blob.BitFlipperMutator")
 Mutator blob.BitFlipperMutator identifier.
tuple blobDWORDS = QString("blob.DWORDSliderMutator")
 Mutator blob.DWORDSliderMutator identifier.
tuple stringString = QString("string.StringMutator")
 Mutator string.StringMutator identifier.
tuple stringXMLW3C = QString("string.XmlW3CMutator")
 Mutator string.XmlW3CMutator identifier.
tuple stringPath = QString("string.PathMutator")
 Mutator string.PathMutator identifier.
tuple stringHostname = QString("string.HostnameMutator")
 Mutator string.HostnameMutator identifier.
tuple stringFilename = QString("string.FilenameMutator")
 Mutator string.FilenameMutator identifier.
tuple stringCase = QString("string.StringCaseMutator")
 Mutator string.StringCaseMutator identifier.
tuple stringUnicodeBom = QString("string.UnicodeBomMutator")
 Mutator string.UnicodeBomMutator identifier.
tuple stringUnicode = QString("string.UnicodeStringsMutator")
 Mutator string.UnicodeStringsMutator identifier.
tuple stringUTF8 = QString("string.UnicodeBadUtf8Mutator")
 Mutator string.UnicodeBadUtf8Mutator identifier.
tuple string3UTF8 = QString("string.UnicodeUtf8ThreeCharMutator")
 Mutator string.UnicodeUtf8ThreeCharMutator identifier.
tuple stringValid = QString("string.ValidValuesMutator")
 Mutator string.ValidValuesMutator identifier.
tuple stringReduced = QString("string.ReducedStringMutator")
 Mutator string.ReducedStringMutator identifier.

Detailed Description


Creates structure which is responsible for updating XML element tree (xmlmanipulators::fuzzingXmlManipulator) according to given checkbox.

Each checkbox represents one of the mutator in XML element tree structure. When checkbox is checked new node is added within mutator section. When checkbox is unchecked the proper element is removed from mutator section in XML element tree.

See also:


Stepan Henek

Member Function Documentation

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::__init__ (   self,

Constructor of HotFuzzMutator.

self The object pointer.
checkBox Checkbox associated with mutator.
id Mutator identifier.
window Main Window of application. (window::Window)

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::getChecked (   self  ) 

Get the state of this mutator checkbox.

self The object pointer.
True if checked, false otherwise

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::setChecked (   self,

Set the new state of this mutator according to given param.

Changes the checkbox state and puts/removes mutator node from XML element tree.

self The object pointer.
checked Boolean representing new check state.

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::setElement (   self,

Sets the XML element tree node of this mutator.

self The object pointer.
element XML element tree node of this mutator.

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::setRootElement (   self,

Sets the XML element tree node whereto add mutator.

self The object pointer.
root XML element tree node whereto add mutator.

def mutators::HotFuzzMutator::updateElement (   self  ) 

Updates state of this mutator according to the associated checkbox.

self The object pointer.

Member Data Documentation

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::blobBlob = QString("blob.BlobMutator") [static]

Mutator blob.BlobMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::blobDWORDS = QString("blob.DWORDSliderMutator") [static]

Mutator blob.DWORDSliderMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::blobFlipper = QString("blob.BitFlipperMutator") [static]

Mutator blob.BitFlipperMutator identifier.

Checkbox associated with mutator.

Tree element associated with mutator.

Mutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::mutatorElementName = QString("Mutator") [static]

XML tag name of mutator.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::numberEdge = QString("number.NumericalEdgeCaseMutator") [static]

Mutator number.NumericalEdgeCaseMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::numberRandom = QString("number.FiniteRandomNumbersMutator") [static]

Mutator number.FiniteRandomNumbersMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::numberVariance = QString("number.NumericalVarianceMutator") [static]

Mutator number.NumericalVarianceMutator identifier.

Node of XML tree Element whereto put this mutator (typically tagged as Mutators).

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::string3UTF8 = QString("string.UnicodeUtf8ThreeCharMutator") [static]

Mutator string.UnicodeUtf8ThreeCharMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringCase = QString("string.StringCaseMutator") [static]

Mutator string.StringCaseMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringFilename = QString("string.FilenameMutator") [static]

Mutator string.FilenameMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringHostname = QString("string.HostnameMutator") [static]

Mutator string.HostnameMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringPath = QString("string.PathMutator") [static]

Mutator string.PathMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringReduced = QString("string.ReducedStringMutator") [static]

Mutator string.ReducedStringMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringString = QString("string.StringMutator") [static]

Mutator string.StringMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringUnicode = QString("string.UnicodeStringsMutator") [static]

Mutator string.UnicodeStringsMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringUnicodeBom = QString("string.UnicodeBomMutator") [static]

Mutator string.UnicodeBomMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringUTF8 = QString("string.UnicodeBadUtf8Mutator") [static]

Mutator string.UnicodeBadUtf8Mutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringValid = QString("string.ValidValuesMutator") [static]

Mutator string.ValidValuesMutator identifier.

tuple mutators::HotFuzzMutator::stringXMLW3C = QString("string.XmlW3CMutator") [static]

Mutator string.XmlW3CMutator identifier.

Main window of application.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Sep 5 12:41:36 2010 for HotFuzz by  doxygen 1.5.8